Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tukutuku panels

Image result for Roimata turuturu pattern
Walt: I know the significance off Tukutuku panels and why
Maaori made them because it is an traditional art form.
They were decorative panels for the traditional wall
construction used inside meeting houses. 

Most tukutuku panels are made out of dried stalks of
plants such as toetoe. Roimata means Tears. 

In this pattern there are arrows dropping down which
are falling raindrops off big and little. The top layer is
the big ones and the bottom layer is the little ones.


Image result for tuatara
Facts on Tuatara-Reptiles
Tuatara inhabit every continent except for Antarctica.
Tuatara were originated (Created) around 310 to 320 million years ago, during the carboniferous period ( the system of rocks deposited during it).
All off the Tuatara are cold blooded animals.
Cold blooded animals are animals that varieys the tempureture of their environment.
They have dry skin and scales on their body.
Many off the Tuatara have four legs but some don’t.
Some Tuatara lay eggs.
All off the Tuatara breathe using their lungs like humans.
Most Tuatara are insectivorous or carnivorous.
Insectivorouis means they eat worms, insects, and other invertebrates. Carnivorous means they eat meat from other animals.
Tuatara also have a backbone which means they are vertebrates.
Vertebrates are animals that have a back bone and invertebrates are animals that have no backbone.
The Tuatara are endemic (Native and restricted) to New zealand.
Tuatara are greenish-brown and gray in colour.
It’s colour is the same with its environment.
Adult Tuatara shed their skin at least once a year.
The young Tuatara shed their skin 3-4 times a year.
Their average lifespan is up to 60 years but they can live up to 100 years.
These are all the species that are Tuatara:
Turtles, Lizards, Snakes and tortoises are reptiles.
Before humans came the enemy’s of the Tuatara was the large birds,
But in 2019 their predators are cats, dogs, ferrets, stoats, rats and possums.
Their species have lasted for 200 million years.
The male is much bigger than female.
It is a sole survivor off the beak-heads which is a group of very ancient Tuatara.
The other name for the Tuatara is a “living fossil”.
The other Māori name for The Reptiles is Ngaarara.
The Tuatara is named for it’s apperance- Tara means spiny and Tua means back.
Tuatara-Spiny back
Ngaarara are believed too be assorted from punga, children too Tangaroa.

Image result for sally carter tuatara whakatauki
I orea te Tuatara ka patu ki waho
The Tuatara sounded and struck out
A problem is solved by continuing too find solutions
Here are some questions about Tuatara.
What does the Tuatara hide in its body?

Image result for tuatara third eye
 A. third eye
 b. horn
 C. tail

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I will be replying to this comment...

kia ora Kmyah Ko Dereon toku ingoa.
I'm here to answer your questions

1. My favourite food is Mcdonalds

2. My favourite subject to do is Maths

3. My favourite games are Fortnite and Prison architect 
"You might have not heard about that game"
4. My favourite songs are from The Dobre brothers and here's the track: The walk, You know you lit, Stop that, on the real tho, Woah.

5. My favorite animal is cats.

6. My favorite sports are Rugby league and Touch

That's all
Ka Kite Anoo

Monday, August 19, 2019


Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Today we were learning how to save, how to be trustworthy, and to be responsible with money. When we become an adult this is one off the most important priorities to take care off when you become an adult. To save is to make the expensive stuff into minimum stuff to buy. Which means you have to look out for the specials, if it is not on today then come tomorrow. Maybe you can buy supplies once a week and make sure you have get heaps so that you can stay home and cook instead of buying food from takeaways everyday. If you want to be trustworthy then you make sure you can return it on time. If you borrow something off someone and they say bring it back tomorrow then you have to agree with what he said, if you don't then he/she is gonna think that you are not trustworthy enough to bring back their stuff. That is why you need to be responsible with your friends/families stuff.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Nau Mai Haere Mai Korua Ki Te Akomanga Te Puna Wairua.

Kia ora nau mai haere mai korua, Ki te akomanga Te Puna Wairua. This is Erima. He is the new student that came 2 days ago. He likes to eat, play Fortnite, he likes to pick on his little sister. His favourite food to eat is Kfc, Mcdonalds, pies, fried bread, Boil Up, Pippies, and fish and chips. We hope you Erima have a great time in Te Puna Wairua and hope we will have you again next year.

Nau Mai Haere Mai Korua Ki Te Akomanga Te Puna Wairua.

Image result for what did michael jackson die of
Kia Ora, Nau mai haere mai korua ki te akomanga Te Puna Wairua. This is our new tauira Joshua Neueli aka Michael Jackson. He is a year 7 and has just arrived today. His language is Maaori, Samoan, Niuean, Japanese, european, and hawaiian. The reason why we call Joshua Michael Jackson is because he is a huge fan off him and he loves doing his dance moves. Hope you enjoy our class and stay with us Te Puna Wairua for the rest off the year.